UHSAAA Scholarship Endowment
In 1991, alumni of the School of Architecture formed an association to help “enrich the university experience, foster fellowship, and achieve educational excellence by challenging and supporting the university through the interaction of the alumni, school and community.” To further this interaction, the association established an annual endowment scholarship to assist students who possess great potential in architecture.
The purpose of this fund is to award scholarships to outstanding students demonstrating design excellence at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa School of Architecture. The prospective recipients must be graduates from a Hawaiʻi high school, full-time at the School of Architecture, and entering his/her second year in the program in the next fall semester. The prospective recipients will demonstrate design excellence as determined by the selection committee, demonstrate promise as a future architect through coursework and community involvement, and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. Funds shall be used for costs associated with attendance (e.g., tuition, books, fees, etc.). It is the Donor’s intent to have at least one scholarship each awarded to an undergraduate and graduate student annually.
Apply Online (STAR) during the Open Application Period