Research on Residential Energy Monitoring and Simulation Published and Presented Internationally

ARCC2019 website news

A paper by Wendy Meguro and Carlos Paradis was selected for peer-reviewed publication and presentation at the Architecture Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) 2019 International Conference, Future Praxis, hosted by Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

The paper, titled, “Student Learning Through Monitoring and Simulating Buildings’ Energy Use and Comfort” shares the methods, selected projects, and reflections on the effectiveness of extracurricular student learning at the Environmental Research and Design Lab.

The Lab’s methods combine extracurricular in-depth, hands-on environmental design education; community engagement on “real world” buildings; paid student research positions in multiple disciplines; gradual acquisition of an environmental systems tool kit; and sustained consistent funding from research grants.

We are grateful for the support from the UH School of Architecture, UH Sea Grant College Program, UH Office of the Vice Chancellor, and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute.

Meguro is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Environmental Research and Design Laboratory (ERDL), University of Hawaii and Paradis is a ERDL Graduate Assistant and PhD candidate in Information and Computer Sciences, University of Hawaii

ARCC 2019 Conference Proceedings