Professor David Rockwood’s Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant work at Da Nang University of Science and Technology (DUT) in Da Nang, Viet Nam began last August, and will conclude this June. Following initial teaching and research with a team of DUT faculty and students, a select research team was formed to prototype and test thermal performance of innovative wall assemblies. The research seeks to find high performance low cost wall assemblies able to increase human thermal comfort in passively cooled buildings.
Last March Rockwood traveled to Ha Noi to present the design of the Viet Nam Television (VTV) Outdoor Studio project to representatives of VTV, Viet Nam Institute of Urban Planning, Viet Nam Department of Architecture and Planning, and Viet Nam Ministry of Construction. Rockwood was part of the 3RockD team of foreign experts invited to lead the design for the 70-hectare site in Soc Son outside of Ha Noi. Rockwood is now working with 3RockD to write recommendations for planning and zoning for high rise buildings in Viet Nam for the Viet Nam Ministry of Construction.
Under the auspices of a Fulbright Occasional Lecturing Program grant Rockwood traveled to Ho Chi Minh City this May to deliver invited guest lectures and workshops at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) and Hoa Sen University (HSU). At TDTU Professor Rockwood lectured on Social Housing in Vietnam and on Architecture Research Methods and conducted a Worker Housing Design workshop involving 97 students. At HSU, he lectured on Research Methods in Art and Design, and conducted a workshop on Bamboo Gridshells. Also this May, Rockwood participated in the concluding Enrichment Seminar for the U.S. Fulbright Scholars in Vietnam, and attended a reception for Fulbright U.S. Grantees at Ambassador Kritenbrink’s residence in Ha Noi.
Students Constructing Prototype Wall Specimens
Thermal Testing of Prototype Wall Specimens
Bamboo Gridshell Workshop at Hoa Sen University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Viet Nam Television (VTV) Outdoor Studios, Soc Son, Viet Nam